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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Egg Explosion! (Eggsplosion?)

These pictures are two-fold.
First, look at this really functional egg holder.
It's from Anthropologie.
Yes, they do have household goodies.
Another reason I love that place.

The second reason is my little chickie's beautiful eggs.
Just look how colorful and fun.
Supermarket eggs are not this fun.

The holder just sits right on the shelf in the fridge.
You can just reach in there and grab one.
It is a nice contrasting blue color for my motley eggs.
I have been waiting for a reason to use the word motley, finally.

My only problem now is that I need another egg holder,
because the girls are laying eggs in abundance.
Since the snow storm they have been popping eggs out like crazy.
(Well, that's descriptive!)
We get anywhere from 4 to 6 eggs a day.
If you are one of our friends, you may have some in your fridge right now.
Lucky you!

So who gets credit for all the lovely eggs?
Meet the crew.
This is Brownie, one of the original ordered chicks.
She is responsible for our favorite green eggs.
Sometimes I don't eat her eggs right away because I like to see them when I
open the fridge door.

Diamond, is the most flamboyant bird with all her spots and colors.

Scout is the meanest, but a good egg layer.
She's just extremely bossy. 

This is probably Biscuit.
Biscuit and Ginger look identical except for slightly different colored heads.
If you've seen one you've seen them both. 

Buffy previously held the title of meanest bird, but she
has mellowed out and is top of the list for consistent layer. 

Scamp in the nesting box.
Well, she wouldn't come out and I was having a hard time getting good pics.
I'm sure she's thinking that she could at least have a private moment while laying my eggs.
Sorry, Scamp. 

Here's a group shot, with Chuckles at the far right.
She moves too fast and I never got a good shot of her.
Just a blur in the background.
She does lay the little tiny cute eggs, though. 

And yes, if you noticed, I lost my little Cluck.
I'm sad, but things happen with chicks.
She actually refused to coop and just disappeared.
I will miss you my little chick-a-dee.

We are down to 8 chicks and yesterday we got 7 eggs.
Way to go, girls!
Don't worry, we have had some casualties, but Daddio has more chicks-a-coming.
Sometime in April we should have a new gaggle of baby girls.
Don't miss it!

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